Application FAQ
Completed CARES applications can be mailed to:
Lathrop Irrigation District
P.O. Box 1397
Lathrop, CA 95330
Any person living in your home for a combined total of 6 months or longer qualifies as full-time basis.
Proof of income may include award letters, paystubs, etc. LID will not accept bank statements as proof of gross income. If you need a copy of your Social Security Award Letter, please contact the local Social Security office at (888) 748-7698.
The information you provide on your application and required documentation is used to determine and verify your eligibility for assistance through the LID CARES program. All information is confidential and is NOT shared with outside agencies.
LID changes its rates twice a year. Summer and Winter rates
- Summer rates are from 05/01-10/31
- Winter rates are from 11/01-04/30

If you make your payment on time before or by the due date for 12 consecutive months, we will apply your deposit as a credit toward your bill or issue a refund if you move out.
You will receive an approval confirmation or denial letter in the mail once your application is processed.
The CARES discount is applied to your bill once your application has been processed and approved, which can take up to 4 – 6 weeks from the date the completed application is submitted to LID.
IRS Form 4506-T allows LID, if needed, to request a copy of your Tax Return Transcript from the IRS to verify annual gross income and number of dependents in the household. All information will remain confidential.
Yes. If you did not file taxes, mark box 7 on the form (Verification of Non-filing).
Yes. A completed form is required for all adults over the age of 18 living in the home on a full-time basis.
Additional FAQ
RESOURCE ADEQUACY APPLICABILITY- The resource adequacy (RA) schedule is applicable to all billed kilowatt-hours under all DISTRICT rate schedules, except contract rates that do not allow rates such as the RA.
PURPOSE- Tariff RA allows for the recovery of the cost of resource adequacy energy from any source and to meet the requirements of the CAL-ISO. The goal is to ensure that adequate energy resources for the DISTRICT are secured in the event of grid wide high demand, without sacrificing customer service or reliability.
APPLICATION-The RA is established as $0.020 per kWh of metered sales and will remain in effect at the established rate until changed by adoption of a new tariff. (pg 68 of Tariff)
This tiered monthly charge is based on the potential maximum demand on the distribution infrastructure as measured by total energy load of the customer as per the table below. For customers with NEM solar generation, total energy load is net metered energy plus solar generation energy. For non-solar customers, total energy is metered energy.

Tariff RA allows for the recovery of the cost of resource adequacy energy from any source and to meet the requirements of the CAL-ISO. The goal is to ensure that adequate energy resources for the DISTRICT are secured in the event of grid wide high demand, without sacrificing customer service or reliability. The RA is established as $0.020 per kWh of metered sales and will remain in effect at the established rate until changed by adoption of a new tariff.
Solar Production only happens when the sun is out during the day. Solar will not produce on cloudy or rainy days or during the night when the sun is down.